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Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Zibibbo is Good: Flash Your Stash 2006

Zibibbo is Good: Flash Your Stash 2006 Have you guys's heard of Flash Your Stash. Apparently this is the second year running. I don't know if it's a contest or simply just something fun where you get to show off your yarn stash to the entire world. Anyway it should be fun and you've got until April 1st to get your pictures ready.

In other news: I'm busy crocheting two prayer shawls and I'm devoting as much time as possible to finishing them so I can send them out in a hurry. Grocery shopping, house cleaning, and bill paying has been put on hold so I'll have more time to put into them. So that also means I probably won't be posting much on this blog for at least a few days until they are finished. I'll post pictures of them as soon as I get a chance. They are going to be beautiful and I haven't worked on a project that large in ages so I've got a lot of work to do and my goal is to get them mailed out by the end of next week or sooner.


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